
Plastic surgery - necessity or vanity??

poleca 88% 101 głosów


Everyone dreams about being beutiful. Human’s beauty has always been one of the most important values. People have cared about their looks since antiquity. For example in the ancient Egypt women took a bath in a milk and honey in order to make their skin more delicate.

Nowadays people use more modern ways to look better. Except modern cosmetics to you can also improve your looks with a plastic surgery. But before the plastic surgery we have to ask ourselves: is the plastic surgery really necessity or is it only vanity?

For me there are two kinds of plastic surgeries. The ones that are necessary and the others that are vanity. The necessary operations are those that restore somebodys looks after an accident. For example a baby who burned itself with a boiling water has disgusting scares. This can badly affect on its future development so parents usually decide on the plastic surgery. Other example of necessary cosmetic surgery is someone with an genetic mutation. Not everyone is born as a healthy child. For example dew days ago I saw an terrifying raport in Discovery Channel about a child whose fingers were knitted together. The child could live with the handicap but without the plastic surgery it wouldn’t be able to do the basic manual actions. In both cases the plastic surgeries were necessary.

But there are also other cases in which cosmetic surgeries are a pure vanity. I am talking about examples when a normal sized woman wants to enlarge her brest to impress everyone. Other example are people who change size of their noses or ears when it is not really necessary.

I think that people appeariance should be the same as Mother Nature created us, but not when it can badly affect our life.

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