
Successful Businessman

poleca 87% 101 głosów


Nowadays there are lots of people who are called a "businessman" or a "businesswoman“. It is quite a modern word which consist of two words : business and man or woman.
We can observe that the number of businessmen is increasing day by day. I think that it is related to the growth of people working in big companies, offices etc...
As we know, in most modern countries there are many more people working in "variety services" than in agriculture or industry.

It is hard to describe a "successful businessman".
There are lots of patterns about how to be good at this what we do.
I will start from education. It is essential to have at least secondary education if we want to work as a businessman.
Of course education is strongly related to knowledge on which depends nearly everything.
We can have a High School Diploma, but if we hadn’t learnt much in the past we wouldn’t be able to get a good paid job.
So our knowledge level is the most important thing of all.
The next issue in our career is to have many connections. Then it is easier to find a job.
Even better thing is if our parents or the nearest family have a firm or a company. In that case we don't need to apply
for a job because it is at hand.
Being bilingual is said to be the basis.
After all this I have mentioned above I must write something about our appearance. It has a decisive influence, for example, when we go for an interview.
Before we go there, we should put on a suit and suitable shoes, trainers are not advisable...
During the interview we also must be bright and we have to show how valuable we are.
To sum up, I have to say that if we meet all these demands, we can be sure that our success is guaranteed and we are able to become a "successful businessman".

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