
Plastic surgery

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Physical appearance and body image are considered to play a vital role in self-esteem for many individuals. The way a person looks is also known to influence other people’s perception. It is believed that physically attractive individuals are viewed in a more positive light in almost every aspect of life such as education, employment, health and romantic encounters. Some people, especially women and teens are very self-conscious about their looks. Their psyche suffers each time they look in the mirror and see one or more ‘defects’ that might need to be removed. Most of them resolve to go on a diet, change a hairdo or clothes while others shrug the problem off. However, there is a steadily growing number of those whose dissatisfaction is so pervasive that they decide to take more radical steps. In the hope of soothing the emotional suffering of their diminished self-regard, they seek for help from cosmetic surgery. This is often perceived as the last resort. Many people claim it is worthwhile reshaping their lips, cheeks, noses, breasts, or bellies to ensure a more positive self-image and emotional stability.
Plastic surgery has been a booming business for the last decade and the prospects are that it will continue to grow. The range of body-contouring procedures keeps increasing as more and more patients with more and more sophisticated demands shell out vast sums of money to look more attractive. Why exercise and sweat to death or diet for months if the result can be achieved and problems fixed at the touch of the surgeon’s scalpel. Expectations are high but the effects do not always match. Dissatisfied patients might want to repeat surgery or sue their doctors to get their money back. The results of plastic surgeries may vary depending on age, skin condition, bone structure or healing capacity. Doctors warn that plastic surgery is not the same as cosmetic practices. It involves pain and blood and also certain risks that should always be taken into account. Precautions need to be taken and serious consideration is essential before one goes for it. There are cases of extreme body dissatisfaction which stem from a psychiatric condition requiring treatment other than surgical. Psychology can prove more beneficial than surgery in certain cases. Moreover, it is good to remember that nobody is perfect and judging people by appearances does not always make sense.
Most frequently sought after plastic surgery procedures include:
-liposuction- the removal of built-up fat usually from the neck, hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. A suction tube which is attached to a vacuum is inserted into tiny incisions in the skin. The fat is sucked out through the tube.
Risks involved: the skin may heal with bumpy uneven contours. When a large amount of fat is removed there is a possibility of fluid accumulation which must be drained off. There are also black and blue bruises that disappear after about two weeks.

-Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck- an extensive surgical procedure which removes excess fat and skin from the lower part of the abdomen. It reduces protruding or overhanging stomach and loose abdominal skin.
Risks involved: conspicuous scars may occur, which requires more surgery.

-Rhinoplasty- a surgical reshaping of the nose. It usually consists in contouring the bridge or the tip. It involves incisions made in the nostrils.
Risks involved: difficulty in breathing or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic result.

-Breast augmentation- enlargement of breasts performed on women with underdeveloped breasts or breasts that decreased in size due to weight loss or pregnancy. It consists in placing soft implants filled with silicone or salt-water solution. Incisions are necessary.
Risks involved: tightening of the implant is a common problem which requires removal or replacement of the implant. There are cases of implants breaking which causes problems if they are filled with silicone. If they are salt-water filled, the water is absorbed by the body. There is no evidence that implants affect pregnancy, fertility or cause breast cancer.

Due to wide media attention to plastic surgery, in western countries more and more teens go for cosmetic procedures. Plastic surgery promises to fix physical flaws and thus improve their outer image they are so sensitive about. However, surgeons and psychologists warn that there are considerable objections to shaping bodies which are still in the process of natural

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