
This advantages and disadvantages of studing abroad - Rozprawka

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Nowadays more and more young people choose to study abroad. One view is that it has a lot of benefits while others believe there are some drawbacks.
There is no denying that studies abroad offer advantages. First of all, you practice the English language as this in the only way to communicate with the locals. Secondly academic are standards higher at foreigne university so you can learn more.
What is more, you get on international degree, which will be useful. There are more opportunities and career prospects in a foreign country. Finally, you meet a lot of new friends. So, you don't feel bored and lovely. Although study abroad had benefits, it does have some disadvantages. First of all, you are far for your family. If you have problems, you can'r talk with you parents of friends. Money is a very big problem. As it is well known, everything in western Europe is more expensive, so we must earn more money. What is more, you must know foreign languages. If you do not learn English or another foreign languages, you had better do not go abroad. Also, you'll have to get used to their culture, language and traditions, which may not be easy.
In conclusion, there are as many positive as negative aspects of this issue. The decision of whether to study school abroad or stay in your own country remains a nother of personal choice.

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