

poleca 87% 101 głosów


Leczo Sauce

• Pasta
• Olive oil
• Peppers
• Tomatos
• Mushrooms
• Zucchinis
• Onions
• Chicken
• Spice

To do:
Peel muchrooms, and cute into cube. Peel and dice onions. Add olive oil into pot. Add onion and stir until golden. Cut chicken into the pices. Add chicken to the pot and fry with onion. Cut pepper into the Cube and add to pot. Stir(ster) All ingredients In pot. Add mushrooms to the pot and Stir. Pell zucchinis and cute into cube next add zuchinis to the pot. Next add the mushroms. Slice tomatoes and add to the pot. Simmer for about 10 minutes.In other pot boil the water sprinkle salt and add pasta. Boil it at 8 minutes and strain the pasta. Mix pasta with souce. Now dish is ready.

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