
Czerwony Kapturek- Little Red Riding Hood

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Once upon a time, in the middle of a thick forest in a small cottage lived a pretty girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood with her mother. She was called so because she always wore a red coat. One day her grandmother suddenly fell ill. Mum asked the daughter to go to her grandma and with a basket full of honey, fruit, cakes and cough syrup. Mum warned her not to stop, because a nasty wolf was lurking in the forest. She walked happily through the woods. Little Red Riding Hood caught sight of raspberries and daisies, so she decided to pick up some for her sick grandma. Suddenly, she heard some voices. When she turned round, she saw a big wolf. She completely forgot about what she had promised Her mother and she told him everything. The girl said that she was going to her grandma. The clever animal went fast to the grandmother’s house. The wolf Got there before Little Red Riding Hood and ate her grandma. Then he lay in her bed. When Little Red Riding Hood came to the house she said, “Grandma, why are your ears so big” she asked, “ To hear you better, little one.” Grandma answered. “ Why are your eyes so big?” she wondered, “ To see you better, little one” grandma said. “Why are your arms so big?” she said, “ to hug you, little one” Grandma replied and “ why are your teeth so big?” she whispered, “ to eat you, little one!” grandma shouted.
The wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood. Not far from the cottage there passed a forester. He was surprised at grandma snoring so loudly. He looked through the window and saw the wolf. The forester shot the animal and he took Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma out of his stomach. Then the forester put a few stones into his stomach and sew it up. Little Red Riding Hood was scared and she was crying. To thank the forester for saving their lives, grandma invited him for tea and some cake. And all of them lived long and happily.

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