

poleca 89% 102 głosów


For many people shopping is considered to be one of the favourite pastimes, even a habit, which can turn into addiction- shopoholism. I strongly believe that shopping plays important role in our day-to-day life and it is becoming more and more embedded in our culture.
To start with, doing the shopping is said to be a relief from stress, anxiety and depression. People spend their spare time hanging around the shopping mall, trying on clothes and looking for luxury products, forgetting about problems, which need to be solved.
Moreover, due to rat race connected with the need of high living standards people do not have enough time for domesticities and themselves. Shopping is sometimes the only way to spend the time with our friends and improve our relationship with close family. What is more, nowadays the fashion is changing all the time. In case of keeping up with it we visit shops more often.
On the other hand, some people argue that shopping spree is not the only kind of entrainment, but it is the real and destructive addiction that can turn into a deep financial trouble, harm relationships and wreck families. People spend their incomes inappropriately and out of control.
Taking everything into account, shopping is more likely treated as a kind of entertainment strongly connected with our daily routine. We are all searching for possibilities to improve our life, mood, appearance and by visiting shopping malls most of us can find them.

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