
Speaking about Deja vu

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I want to speak about „déjà vu phenomena”. Déjà vu is a French word means literally “Already seen” Déjà vu is the experience of feeling sure that situation had already happened previously.

The most of us at least once in our life have experienced that, but If somebody hadn’t I’ll give an example:
You are first time on the holiday on the Bahamas Island, you rent a room and when You enter it you feel that : I saw it I’m sure I have seen that before, but you know that is impossible cause you are on the Bahamas first time.

So first thing witch I have to say is that feeling déjà vu phenomena hadn’t really been good explained to our days. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac ( who has live at turned of nineteenth and twentieth century) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ( which mean" The Future of Psychic Sciences").

References to the experience of déjà vu are found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon First people who has wanted to explain that phenomena were the ancient Greek philosophers. They thought that this effect is related with transmigration of souls. In our time large part of population believe that as long as we feel déjà vu we are connected to the person who know everything so It has to be God. Another theory is that we have two mind. Only one is used by us, second is subconscious which wrote in our brain that t what we can’t remember.

The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike.. The most of us at least once of our life have that experienced
Since ’90s of XX centaury There are hundreds of test to scientific explain that phenomena . It has been extremely difficult to provoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, but some of scientist told that effect is connected with some part of human’s brain. Some group of people believe that hypnotic can invoke this effect.

Single ‘déjà vu experience” isn’t unusual, but if you often feel that, I have good advice to you: go to a doctor. You can have neurological problem or you can have epilepsy.

In conclusion I want to say that propably Déjà vu phenomena will not be explain good enough for all people believe. So we can interpreted it how we want it.
By Vojtas-ziele 16 june 2010

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