
Is it easy to manage, CEO manager.

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Today, CEO manager of the big multinational company doesn’t have easy task. The manager is the person who must very good know the strategy of company and he has a more responsibilities. But very important to me are abilities of the cooperation with the staff, not every person being a manager has such abilities.
The role of a leader is to inspire and motivate staff and to develop talent within an organization. The management style of leaders varies: some prefer to delegate responsibility to subordinates whereas others prefer to use their authority to control operations directly.
I think that a good manager have to get on well relationship with his work group. A good manager should know to listen his workers, as well as he should know to assign them in such way task to use them individual abilities how the best. The skill of motivating worker in the most effective way is kindly seen feature, not only across bonuses but also conversation and suitable behaviour in the face subordinate. It is very important for company, that worker's participate in process of managing, also so to alone he felt necessary and it is important for company. The worker's fear before loss of work can be effective motivating to better work. This tool can quickly improvement of behaviour workers and is often using by managers.

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