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poleca 88% 102 głosów


Living in a city has many advantages but also many drawbacks. We should consider getting back to the countryside - the place where we all have come from. However, before we do that, we should weigh up all the pros and cons of where we would like to live.
First of all, living in the country gives us an opportunity to spend much more time close to the nature and animals. We can take a delight in fresh air and enjoy the quiet or tranquility while walking in the forest. Moreover, you will definitely have no angry neighbour above your head or under you feets, because you will most likely live in a house with a garden.
On the other hand, living in a city gives you much bigger chance to find a job. You also do not have to commute to work that far. Despite smaller space to live, you do not have to worry about sewage or any other goods secured by co-operative company. In a city you also have much more possibilities of spending your free time, for example going to a cinema, swimming pool or a theatre.
It is hard to decide, whether it is better to live in the countryside or in a city. Every single human being has different priorities and it depends on personal needs to decide where we want to live. However, every localization has its good and bad sides and if our personality fits in some particular living style, we should live there.

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