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Uses of the passive voice


Zastosowanie (Uses of the passive voice)

Strony biernej używamy, gdy chcemy: podkreślić czynność, a nie jej wykonawcę, stąd strona bierna bardzo często pojawia się w wiadomościach, artykułach, instrukcjach: The washing-up has already been done. Seven people were killed in a plane crash last night. The printer cover should always be closed. nie znamy wykonawcy czynności: Mary was robbed last night. The bus stop has been damaged. wykonawca jest oczywisty, więc nie ma sensu o nim wspominać:...

Język angielski

Passive voice- ściąga

Zobacz koniecznie zalacznik....sciaga przejrzysta gotowa do wydrukowania...(3 wersje sciagi w tym zalaczniku...sam wybierz

Język angielski

Passive Voice - Cwiczenia

STRONA BIERNA ( PASSIVE ) 1 . They are using the computer at the moment .............................................................................. 2 . Kate was watering flowers

Język angielski

Preparations for the wedding in passive voice

full dress with lace was made for Susan. Invitations are being sent out by them to their family and friends and imaginative flowers are being arranged. Delicious wedding cake with image of Susan and

Język angielski

Strona bierna Passive Voice

SIMPLE PRESENT Somebody cleans the room every dat. - strona czynna The room is cleaned every day. - strona bierna SIMPLE PAST Somebody cleaned the room yesterday. - strona czynna The room was

Język angielski

Passive Voice - Klucz do cwiczen

STRONA BIERNA ( PASSIVE ) – klucz 1 . They are using the computer at the moment The computer is being used at the moment by Them 2 . Kate was watering flowers when I came The flowers were