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Język polski

Heroes of Might and Magic V - Recenzja Gry Komputerowej

Dzieje Heroes of Might and Magic, znane są nawet najstarszym komputerowym wyjadaczom. Już ponad 12 lat minęło od wydania pierwszej części tej wspaniałej gry turowej, która zrewolucjonizowała świat komputerowych multimediów. Jest to jedyna w swoim...

Język angielski

Choose one of your country's national heroes and write details about him/her.

married Pierre Curie, a French scientist. In 1897 Maria decided to study the element uranium and the strange x-rays it gave out. In 1903 Maria was made a Doctor of Science; in the same year both Maria

Język angielski

What are the advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine

I'm for alternative medicine. I like different things and that type of medic has some magic inside. Of course it may be dangerous, but what is fully safe? An argument for it is one thing- it really

Język angielski

Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire - summery

Quidditch games, spells and magic creatures – go to the nearest bookshop and take Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire home!

Język angielski

,,Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”

were keeping it in a secret, but one day Harry got a letter from Hogwart- School of Magic . He got to know everything and start learning. Harry spent there a year, full of adventures, and now he is

Język angielski

Magic of laughter

everyday life we can find out that laughter has magic abilities. We willingly meet with people who are cheerful and have a sense of humour. I can't imagine life without laughter. There are plenty of