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Słownik Frazeologiczny


Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego


‘wierzchnie okrycie stopy, obuwie’.

Język angielski

Wyrażenia and, so, because, but I (a,an,the)

. Wyrażenia and, so, because, but . And- w zdaniu stawiamy, gdy dodajemy jedną informację do drugiej. Oddziela dwie informacje od siebie w zdaniu. But - gdy mamy różne informacje i są one ze sobą

Język angielski

It never rains, but it pours

People say: ‘It never rains, but it pours’. I agree on it. Some days we feel good, whereas other days everything goes wrong and nothing seems to work. When one bad thing happens, a lot of other bad

Język angielski

A strange but wonderful friend.

A friend of mine seems to be a little strange but still socially accepted and highly appreciated. He is older than I am, and has already graduated from the Fine Arts Faculty of this university. He

Język angielski

„Most people think that being famous is heaven, but in fact it's more like hell.” What do you think?

„Most people think that being famous is heaven, but in fact it's more like hell.” What do you think? Many people dream about being famous. They would do everything to appear on TV, radio or

Język angielski

Everyone has the right to protest but some forms of protest are more acceptable than others.

have achieved our goal and we don’t have to wear stinky trainers anymore. But what the most interesting was our debate on what kind of protest we were going to choose. We were thinking what kind of