
Complete the sentences with a correct conditional.
1. If I
(eat) chocolate, my stomach
2. If she
(find) your pen,

(call) you.
3. I
(tell) Ben about it if I
(see) him tomorrow.
4. If I
(have) problems with my computer, I always
(call) my brother.
5. If he
(win) this lottery, he
(get) plenty of money.
6. I always
(have) cold feet if I
(not/wear) warm socks.
7. If you
(press) this button, the machine
(start) working.
8. If I
(finish) my homework, I
(lend) you my dictionary.
9. She
(not/visit) you tomorrow if you
(not/give) her your address!
10. I
(be) late to work if my train
(not/come) soon!
Translate the parts of the sentenceswith a correct conditional.
1. If it
(nie będzie padało) on Sunday, we
(będziemy mieć) picnic by the river.
2. If she
(nie zda) her exams in May, her parents
(będą) furious.
3. I always
(pożyczam) my brother some money if he
(prosi) me.
4. If I
(mam) problems with my car, my cousin always
(pomaga) me.
5. If he
(wyjdzie) now, he
(złapie) the last bus.
6. I always
(mam) a cold if I
(nie noszę) a warm cap.
7. If you
(nie oddasz) this book to the library tomorrow, you
(zapłacisz) a fine.
8. If I
(tęsknię) my fiancé, I
(dzwonię) him every day.
9. She
(nie dostanie) this job if she
(nie przyjdzie)to an interview tomorrow.
10. I
(będę) disappointed if my boss
(nie da) me a pay rise soon!
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14.5.2020 (13:14)

$\left( \right)x^{123}\lceil x \rceil\prod_{a}^{b}$

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