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masz zajęcia - kogo ciekawego poznałeś w Londynie
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 8.1.2016 (17:51)
8.1.2016 (18:09)
Hi Mark,
How are you beguile ? At I all right. I live be in one-family house at certain family great very. Weather is fine shine sun all the time and there is hot very. I have learned be nice very Martę and it walks on legal studios (studies). It beguile photos a lot as it eats all it arrive show. Here it is a lot curious places. I was in (to) museum and on concert. I saw Big Ben and I has been crossed (has been passed) be two-storeyed bus super. 
I salute ...
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