
Air Pollutions

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Air pollutions are major causes of global environmental danger such a ozon lair, acid rains or greenhouse effect. sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, dust are most ofen air pollutions.
Air polutions are gas, liquid or solid that are in the air in number more that average. there are natural pollutions such a pollen or volcano dust and pollutions that are made by man for example exhaust fumes, industrial fumes. polluted air can damage human, annimal or plant body but also water or ground. Air pollution are most dangerous from all of pollutions because they are moving because of wind and can pollute big area in short time and damege all parts of environment.
sources of air pollutions: there are 3 major
1. Big industrial plant that emit dust, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxcide, heavy metal.
2. Houses pollutions for example burning trashes, house products, aerozol cans, fridges that emit CFC's
3. Traffic pollutions from cars, planes, trains, buses for example carbon dioxcide, lead, nitrogen oxcide.

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