
Strange woman- dziwna kobieta

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`It was a beautiful July morning.My friends:Anna and Julia and I want see a sea.
The bus was about 7 a'clock.Julia was late,but she went in time.After five hours we were at the place.We found a nice home in the centre of the city.When we opened the door,we saw an old woman,which was very small and slender,she looks very very friendly.She showed us our rooms the bothroom and the kitchen out she forbade us to go to the last room.She said:"Remember,you mustn't go in this room!"
One hour later we ate dinner and went to see tue sea.It was an amazing and beautiful place.The sun was shining,the sky was blue and we were sunbathing."This day is graet"-I said,when we came back home.In front of our home we met a boy,which was strange.He were told,that in home,where we lived where ghosts.He said:"Be careful".We were scared and didn't know what to do.After 20 minutes,we went to our home our room.We slept together on one bed.We hears only cat.
We woke up very late,bacause our alarm clock didn't work.Breakfast was cold,and we went to eat something in the centre of the town were in the China restaurant.
During breakfast we were talking about our new home and his owner.Marta said:"It's strange and we have to go to the last room today."Anna and I agreed with Marta.After breakfast,which was very tasty,we got back home and we went to the last room.We saw a lot of pictures.Anna said:"It must be room Mr.Smith's of son,because I heard,that he was a policeman".That must be truth.Man in pictures was in a uniform.We heard steps.We were terrified,because we thought that it was ghosts Mr.Smith's of son.She told us how her son died and how she missed was terrible story.Anna,Julia and I comforted the old woman and then we went to bed.In the morning,we had a trip.We told Mrs.Smith our good-byes and went back home.
It was a very amazing and a curious trip,which I will really never forget.

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