
Opis budynku, zabytku Big Ben

poleca 84% 3445 głosów


In my opinion Clock Tower is one od the most unique building on earth, because is the world's largest four-faced, chiming clock. The structure is situated at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament building in Westminster, London. It is often mistakenly called "Big Ben" ? which is actually the main bell housed within the Clock Tower.
The first 61 metres of the structure is the Clock Tower, consisting of brickwork with stone cladding, the remainder of the tower's height is a framed spire of cast iron. The tower is founded on a 15 metres square raft, made of 3 metres thick concrete.The four clock faces are 55 metres above ground. The interior volume of the tower is 4,650 cubic metres. Due to ground conditions present since construction, the tower leans slightly to the north-west, by roughly 220 millimetres at the clock face.
The clock faces are set in an iron framework 7 metres in diameter, supporting 312 pieces of opal glass, rather like a stained glass window. At the base of each clock face in gilt letters is the Latin inscription: "DOMINE SALVAM FAC REGINAM NOSTRAM VICTORIAM PRIMAM", which means 'O Lord, keep safe our Queen Victoria the First'.
The one of reason to recommend to see a clock tower could be that interesting phenomenon. Someone visiting London who stands at the bottom of the clock tower will hear the chimes of Big Ben approximately one-sixth of a second later than the bell being struck (assuming a bell height of 55 metres). In fact, if the recipient were to echo the sound back to the observer on the ground, the bell would be heard on the radio before the natural sound reached the observer.
Unfortunately the tower is not open to general public, but those with a special interest may try arranging a visit to the top of the Clock Tower.

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