
Opis święta zagranicznego które ma duży wpływ na kulturę Polski

poleca 86% 101 głosów


February 14 is known as St Valentine's Day. It is one of the most popular holidays and it has its origin in the USA.

It is mainly observed by young people, who give symbolic gifts to people they love. They also send special greeting cards called "Valentines". The contest of "Valentines" are usually poems or declaration of love, such as: "Roses are red, violets are blue, grass is green and I love you". It is also a commonplace to give the beloved flowers or sweets on that day.

St Valentine's Day is becoming more and more popular in Poland. Some people say, that it brings happiness and colours into their lives. The others claim, that it is one of these "commercial" holidays. Despite the criticism, the young seem to enjoy it very much.

Personally, I think, that we could exist without that holiday. Buing cards, flowers or sweets only in one day is a little bit riddiculous. People spend much money to show how much they love the others, but they should think about their love every day. Moreover, it is really annoying that we can not create our own holiday - Polish holiday. We are always trying to be like the Americans, which is not good for our society.

To sum up, in my opinion, we should try to brake up with this "tradition" and just be ourselves.

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