

poleca 85% 114 głosów


Yes for abortion!
According to the on-line dictionary ( abortion is a removal of an embryo or an organ at a more or less early stage. This topic is still controversial, however people don?t like to converse about it. They are afraid what other person may say about particular opinion, but more people think that abortion should be legalized all over the world.
Today abortion is legal in many countries only when there?s a possibility that the unborn child will have serious disease that won?t be helpful in its life. In addition when the pregnancy can be if the woman was raped, and she doesn?t want to have any kids.
Abortion should be legalized, because individuals have a right to make decisions about their bodies therefore no one can tell whether we are doing something good or bad with it. If a woman doesn?t want to give birth, it means that she has really serious reasons for not doing it, and she has the right to end the pregnancy however and whenever she wants.
In China abortion is not a controversial topic, because most of the men want boys as their future kid. If they find out that pregnant woman will give a birth to the female, husband can take her to the doctor who will end the pregnancy. In addition to that, embryos of the unborn child are saved, in order to use them in the future for treatment for the people with very serious disease. It?s important, because China is the only country with legalized abortion, therefore people with this rare disease can only be treated there.
On the other hand many religions are against the abortion, and say that is interrupting ?God?s will?. It?s forbidden by the Catholic Church, and women who made decision about abortion are usually rejected from the catholic community and from their own communities. Doctors often discuss the feelings of the unborn child who is ripped out of the mother?s body. Many people think that doctor who does is a simple butcher, and has no human feelings.
In conclusion abortion should be legalized, because no one can tell women what is good for her. It should be discussed on the streets, at work, in school. People shouldn?t be afraid of this topic anymore. It shouldn?t be banned anywhere, because everyone has a right to choose what is good for them.

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