
Bezludna wyspa

poleca 85% 533 głosów


It was hurricane wind,when I went by bus along side. Sudennly, bus slide down to ocean. Now I woke up on a beach. . I don?t remember how long I was senseless. I was very scared, because around me was only sand and forests. I decided to look where I am. I walked all day long, and I don?t saw any people footprints or mark of civilization. Than I comprehened that, I Am on desert island. I was very hungry, so I went to rainforest to find something to eat. Between forests hanged lianes. There was very much wild animals for example snakes, spiders or kingbirds. There was also a lot of different fruits. I decided to eat only that what I know. I eate bananas with watermelon and pomegranate. I drank coconut milk and sweat water from source. At night was very cold, so I decided to make a fire. I was happiness, because lifeguard saw a fire on island, and safed me. I was safe.

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