
'Ludzie należący do różnych pokoleń' Osoba należąca do innego pokolenia

poleca 89% 101 głosów


Mirek is one of Tarnów’s musicians. I got to know him about one year ago when I joined Tarnów’s Gospel Choir.

He is tall, bald-headed and heavy-built man in his late thirties. His blue eyes look marvelous surrounded by his dark complexion. He is also fashionable and stylishly dressed.

He is a very hard-working person, who has who isn't nervous and lazy even when he have a lot work to do. His a very sociable, kind and sensitive man. He likes children a lot so he helps them when they need it. He does a lot of work for charity. When he has problems he always knows how to solve with them. He is an outgoing person who has got a lot of friends.

In fact, Mirek likes to sing. He has his own band called “Monk”. He also likes extreme sports, for example last holiday he went bungee jump.

In my opinion Mirek is a great man. I like him very much not only for his looks but for the way he talks to me or sings.. His great sense of rhythm is perfect for me. I’m very proud of him because of his work and interests. Despite the fact that he belongs to the earlier generation we have a great contact and we completely understand each other what makes that we like to spend a lot of time together.

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