
Special pedagogy.

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When I was a little girl, I was dreaming about being a doctor. I was playing with other girls the game, in which we were pretending doctors, and patients. It was a lot of fun...
Then we started to grow up and change. We have changed a lot. Also we can't forget that world and our coutry has changed, too. Everybody found out that there is so many different jobs we haven't had any idea about.
Now, I know that the most important thing for me if to pass my matura exam, and start studying. I think that it is a base for my future, becouse I know, that after studies I will find a job I think that the most important thing about job is to get satisfaction. Because if we don’t like our job, if we work only to earn ours living, we get very fast tired, bored . If we don’t have interesting job, we don’t work with passion. We should appreciate our job, and we should go to work every day with happiness and smile. That’s way we should combine hobby and the work. In my opinion the most interesting job is working with people. I wouldn’t stand work in office, by computer or typewriter. It is boring. But if we work as psychologist or we travel a lot, we can meet new people and our life can be interesting.

I would like to study Pedagogy on University of Szczecin . Why Idecided to choose that kind of studies? Becouse I would like to work, and help another people, and that faculties can help me to do that.
What is Pedagogy? I have some information about that faculties from : „Section of Special Pedagogy educates specialists in rehabilitation of mentally disabled children and teenagers and also specialists in corrective pedagogy (teachers for children with problems in learning).
The Section also offers postgraduate studies, for example, Logopedics with glottodidactics.
The Section is interested in: conditions, course and effects of rehabilitation and school integration, psycho-educational methods of support for disabled people (diagnosis, therapy, effects); the future of graduates of this particular Section: psychotherapy of teenagers with mental disorders; quality of life of people with intellectual disability.”

Summing up, I think that many young people dream about their future job,which they will have,but they should realize that occupation give them not only money. In my opinion work gives us satisfaction if we like our jobs, if we earn enough money and if we have enough free time. I also think that what we will do in the future depends on our education – if we have good results and if we study at a good university – we have a better chance to find a good and well-paid job than someone, who haven’t enough qualifications. I hope that I will finish Pedagogy in 2009, Iwill find job, and I hope that I will be satisfied. I want to be in luck in the future, and i will do everything to my dreams becomes true

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