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For in the end we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” – B.Dioum

1. Reproduction. Birth and care of young.

Age when attaining sexual maturity is variable among bootlenose dolphins. On average , females become sexualy mature at about 5 to 12 years. Males become sexually mature at about 10 to 12 years. Females seem to be sexually receptive during a large part of the year and are generally responsible for initiating courtship and breeding behavior.Bottlenose dolphins may breed throughout the year. However, certain breeding seasons have been observed and vary with location. Breeding seasons generally coincide with calving seasons. Worldwide, calves are born throughout the year. Seasonal calving peaks vary by area.Peak calving appears to be bimodal for dolphins in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon; most births occur in April and August. A female dolphin caon potentially bear a calf every two years, but calving intervals generally averabe three years. Calves are born in the water. Sometimes an assisting dolphin may stay close to the new mother and calf. Althought this assisting dolphin often is referred to as an „aunte: dolphin, it may be male or female. This „auntie” dolphin is often the only other dolphin a mother allows near her calf.In the first few days after birth , the dorsal fin and tail flukes are flaccid and pliable, but gradually become more stiff. Calves are darker than adults and show several vertical, light-colored lines on their sides, a result of fetal folding. These lines disappear within six months. Calves nurse under water, lose to the surface. Observations in zoological parks show that nursing usually begins within six hours of birth. A calf nurses as often as four times per hour for the first four to eight days. A mother dolphin stays close to her calf and attentively directs its movements. The baby swims close to its mother and is carried in the mother’s „slip stream”, the hydrodynamic wake that develops as the mother swims. This helps the baby to swim and enables the mother and calf to stay with up with the group. Bottlenose dolphins breeding colonies in marine zoological parks continue to provide a unique opportunity to observe and quantify aspects of dolphin biology. In zoological environments, calves begin to take a few fish at about three to four months, when their teeth begin to erupt. Within a few days of birth a calf can vocalize, but signature characteristics develop with age.

2.Diet and Eating Habits

Dolphins are active predators and eat a wide variety of fishes, squids, and crustaceans such as shrimps. The foods available to a dolphin vary with its geographic location. Feeding behavior is flexible and adapted to a dolphin’s particular habitat and available food resources.Dolphins do not chew their food. Usually they swallow fish whole, head first, so the spines of the fish won’t catch in their throats. They break larger fish by shaking them or rubbing them on the ocean floor. Hunting strategies are varied and diverse. Bottlenose dolphins often cooperate when hunting and catching fish. In open waters, a dolphin pod sometimes encircles a large school of fish and herds them into a small, dense mass, sometimes using their tail flukes to stun the fish. The dolphins take turns charging through the school to feed. To hunt larger fishes, bottlenose dolphin may use its tail flukes to kick a fish out of the water, then retrieve the stunned prey. Bottlenose dolphins often feed in association with fishing operations. Dolphins in Texas bays freguently accompany shrimp boats. They feed on fishes that are caught incidentally in trawl nets intended for shrimps.

3.Communication and Echolocation

Dolphins probably rely on sound production and reception to navigate, communicate, and hunt in dark or murky waters. Under these conditions, sight is of little use. The odontocete larynx does not possessvocal cords, but researchers have theorized that at least some sound production originates in the larynx. Early studies suggested that „whistles”were generated in the larynx while „clicks” were produced in the nasal sac region. Sounds are probably produced by movements of air in the trachea and nasal sacs. During some vocalizations, bottlenose dolphins actually release air from the blowhole, but scientist believe that these bubble trails and clouds are a visual display and not necessary for producing sound. The sounds vary in volume, wavelength, frequency, and pattern. Bottlenose dolphins identify themselves with a signature whistle. However, scientists have found no evidence of a dolphin language. A mother dolphin may whistle to her calf almost continuously for several days after giving birth. This acoustic imprinting helps the calf earn to identify its mother. The brain receives the sound waves in the from of nerve impulses, which relay the messages of sound and enable the dolphin to interpret the sound’s meaning. By this complex system of echolocation, odontocetes can determine size, shape, speed, distance, direction, and even some of the internal structure of objects in the water. Bottlenose dolphins are able to learn and later recognize the echo signatures returned by preffered prey species. Many of the details of echolocation are not completely understood. Research on echolocation continues. are able to learn and later recognize the echo signatures returned by preffered prey species. Many of the details of echolocation are not completely understood. Research on echolocation continues. are able to learn and later recognize the echo signatures returned by preffered prey species. Many of the details of echolocation are not completely understood. Research on echolocation continues.

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