
Different attitudes to art.

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Art is perceived to be a part of a culture, a way of revealing peoples talents, finnaly as a concious activity which effects are aesthetical luxuries such as paintings, sculptures, buildings even films, stage plays and musical compositions. But the range of things called as an “art” has been changing for ages and nowadays a lot of people are arguing what deserves to be labeled as real art.

There is no doubt that sculptures of heroic figures in dinamic poses of Michael Angel, anxiety and sensualism shown on rubens’s paintings , or canvas of one of the most outstanding author of modern art-picasso, are commonly known as splendid pieces of work. But what attitude should we assume toward such controvertial “masterpiece” as “pyramid of animals” created by Katarzyna Kozyra??? The work consists of four stuffed animals: a horse, a dog, a cat and a rooster, and of a video documenting the process of the horse being put down and skinned.

I have to admitt that I was shocked by this fact and as a majority of public I totaly dissaprove such cruelty just to become famous. Art can and even should be extraordinary but it mustn’t require death. Well, it was a destruction rather than a creation! Contrasts, strange shapes, scrawls, shades, variety of colours- that’s what should amaze and fascinate us, not the deprivation of life . But for some “pyramid of animals” was something marvelous, unconventional and schemat-breaking.

When, more than a year ago, Dorota Nieznalska exhibited her work 'Pasja' a scandal erupted. To the cross, on which Christ had died, a picture of male genitals was attache. Government sentenced an artist because her work "offends religious beliefs". Art is an art and have it’s own rules but some moral principles should be kept.
he other art I’d like to talk about is graffitie. For as long as people have been able to write they have been writing on walls. The Romans wrote on the buildings of the towns they conquered, and even before words were used, the cave men painted on walls. This writing was first called graffiti in Roman times and holds the same name now. But as the times have changed, so have the forms that this writing on the walls have taken. Graffiti, can be considered art because it contains artistic elements, require talent and show the feelings of the author. Here I’m thinking about a real painting on a wall, not about a tag what is just a simple inscription, cause this is a vandalism deserving punishment. If something requires invention, good idea it should be valued. It is unfortunate that artistic graffiti has been given such a negative undertone.

All in all I think that nowadays people are starving for sensation, are fed up with old fashions, styles, want something new, modern, unforseeable, something that would surprice and amaze them. That’s why we shouldn’t guard ourselves from nowelties but follow them.

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