
Women are inferior to men.

poleca 85% 152 głosów


Since the beginning of the world, people were convinced, that a woman is inferior to a man. She brought up kids, she was the housewife. She had no access to education, she must not be a politician, clerk, doctor, she could not vote.

In the 19th century women begun to fight for their rights. As the years went by, some stereotypes concerning women disappeared from people’s minds.

Nowadays every woman may find the job, earn money, feel independent.

On the other hand, some stereotypes still exist: for example, woman cannot smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol. Some men are disgusted seeing drunk woman. The same men think, that a drunk man in the street is a normal thing.

In our culture (Anglo-American and European) the situation of women and men is similar. However, in Muslim culture women are discriminated (for example they must not go in the street without man’s companion, they must not show their face to strangers). Women are uneducated and cannot work, this is the reason, why they must go married to survive.. The Muslim world is dominated by men, because women have no right to participate in public, politician and work life.

There are a lot of organizations, which help the discriminated women all over the world. The last Nobel Peace Prize winner was the Iraqi woman who fought for women’s rights in her country.

To sum up: women have never been inferior to men. It were men, who because of their inferiority complex, dispossessed women of their rights.

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