

poleca 86% 103 głosów


Polish people are very egoistic. We like or love each other but we don’t like foreigners. We are safe in our own country and we don’t understand people who come to us, but we have our favourite nations. And which? In my opinion we like nations that are rich, educated and have very high level of civilization. We like going to these countries and we like staying there.

However, we don’t like poor nations, because it is not very nice to look down at people who don’t have anything to eat. And we are not often able to help them. We are very sorry but it is simple for us not to remember about them.
Racism. This is the world problem. Racism is a discrimination of people, who have various colours of skin and profession of faith. Unfortunately different skin colour is a reason to hate other nations.

We hate Gypsies at all because they are robbers and liars. I think maybe because that we know them from our grandparents’ stories. We don’t want to get to know their life. We are not only racists but also egoists.

In the past this problem was more difficult. People were not as tolerant as today. Poland was then the country of many different nations: Russian, Prussian, German and Jewish. They had their own cultures, customs and religions. The most important in human life has been religion. Because of it there were a lot of problems and even wars. It was the reason for quarrels. People weren’t able to respect the creed of other nations.
Today when people are more educated and they have higher level of culture and civilization they must be more tolerant.

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