
Curious tale

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There was unusual vacational meeting be beautiful (fine) vacational day. Sky was cloudless, warm blew wietrzyk. I have gone over certain day sea popływać. It was on beach vacationers a lot searching it hot day ochłody, free place was find for charing (sunbathing) hard. I have found scrap of beach for (after) several minutes then I has been distributed with my things and I have decided popływać. Waves were next entertainment (recreation) high that enough be and in this day ochłodą. For (after) several hours, when part of people has gone on dinner already, she (it) has appeared . Girl beguile mazhena (dream). I could not lower sight from she (it). There was beautiful (fine) about brunetką how beautiful (fine) and slender structure of body. It has been distributed beside my place. I have ascertained, that it use possible solutions capability of conversation with (from) somebody such worst. I have decided przysiąść and talk away, but beauty has gotten back thoughts me. How begin? What (which) theme on? There was terrible. However, I have decided on towel exits (outlets), can she (it) make but? I was mistaken . It lay on towel charing (sunbathe). I have obtained greatest in head else mętliku. I can make that, as begin conversation, as has on name, what (which) has arrived it from city? These questions oppressed me most. First step decide make. For example, that it about weather first me occur begin conversation, either (or) ask as has on name but something can state (condition) … - as you have on name, can angels not have names but? When it has peered at I, skamieniałem. Beautiful (fine) , blue eyes were able to charm more than one. When it has answered I zamurowało. Voice, angels have that only, was there but maybe exactly? It has answered me on question I am not angel -, but damage can. It beguile paulite on name. I am answer matheush - – me - very , what (which) date you but from city? It has asked – from warsaw -. - But it great damage, I date from crakow . There was that for I blow when I have informed day be can meet (face each other) from (with) on that , she (it) be glad (please) on stockpile remaining beauty me, as it has carried away things after moment and it has said - damage, that we are not from same city, but unfortunately, I must go already , for vision. I have answered for (after) several seconds of shocks timidly it see off -, sometime we will face each other after a long time of (a good while of) seat can else … and have been begun it conversation rozpamiętywania ściemniać and I must return to house. I could not sleep this night, I thought of it only how finely moment that, former conversation with (from) her (it).

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