
Technological progress - for and against essay

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Technological progress is one of these things that are bound to happen and can't be avoided, for humans are curious in nature. However if it's good or bad is a whole another story.
One of the best sides of technological progress is its contribution to saving people. Everyday ways to cure the incurable or the disabled are developed. Methods of regaining hearing, sight and such are being improved constantly. And what would we do without rescue cars? Technology also helps in criminal investigation. Devices, that were never heard of before, make catching dangerous criminals possible. Spying equipment can prevent crime and track missing persons or solve old cases. Technology also makes our lives convenient. Cars, phones. tv, the internet nad kitchen accesories all make living easier or keep us entertained.
However, like everything else, thechnological progress has its bad sides. For example, since everything needs testing before use, it involves animal testing and unforeseen sied effects. It also considerably destroyes our planet. All electronic devices emit CO2 and contribute to the greenhouse effect. Of course scientists are improving them and making their inventions eco-friendly, but the prototypes have already left damage. Thanks to technological progress the risk of war increases. New deadly weapons, including nuclear ones, are continously created.
In the end, thee case of technological progress is hard to evaluate objectively. It has brought us equally as much good as bad. I think it's a natural process that everything changes and evolves, and since we can't stop it , we should get accustomed.
word count: 153

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