
Yeti hunter - present simple, elementary

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Hello, my name is Joel and I am an yeti hunter. I live in a very big igloo on the South Pole.

My job is very difficult. I have to catch many yetis but they are very quick. I don’t catch more than one for month so I don’t get much money. I must collect cans to get enough. I’m very poor. My wife is always angry for me because she says I have to get a good job. But I like this.

You can think my life is boring. I do some things every day. Every morning I get up at 5 am and go to check my yeti traps. It takes much time because they are far from my house. I run on skis there. When I see a yeti here I put a net on it. It’s difficult because the yetis are enormous and my net is heavy. Then I take it to an yeti shop and sell it here. But when there’s not an yeti I have to go to find cans. Then I take them to a local can shop and sell. I always take some cans to make a new trap. Metal cans are very good for traps and you have to make new traps every day because yetis are not stupid. But it’s not hard. I just put can on ground and can on line in air. When an yeti is seeing a can it runs to it to check that is some chocolate because yetis love chocolate (I don’t have money to have chocolate every day so I put a can that looks like can with some chocolate). Then when an yeti is near to the can on the ground, the can in the air falls on its head. Then yeti become scared and stand there for hours and I can put a net on it in the morning.

My job is very difficult and doesn’t give me much money but I still like it. I’m very happy when I see all those yetis. Maybe somebody thinks I’m cruel because I sell them but I don’t think that. The yetis are very happy when they live in people’s homes like pets.

I like my job very much and I don’t want to change it.

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