
Podczas pobytu w Anglii nusisz wyjechać na 2 tygodnie. W tym czasie mieszkaniem zaopiekuje sie koleżanka. Napisz list z instrukcjami (podziękuj za pomoc, wyjaśnij jak dbać o rośliny, poproś aby nie korzystała z jakiegoś urządzenia i powiedz dlac

poleca 90% 101 głosów


Dear Alice,

I'm so happy that you will look after my flat, when I'm away. I trust you, and I know that everything will be OK. I have very precious flowers. On a balcony is Sufera diffusus, you must water it every day. Flowers in big pots must be watered twice a week. If you have some problems, you'll go to my neighbour - Ms Smith. Please, don't use my turnable unit. it's my keepsake. The turnable unit is very valuable, because it's a relic. If you cant use that, you'll affect my vinyls. Vinyls are slimsy, so they can lurker. Remember it, because it's very important for me. I'll come back on 15th February at 12 o'clock, so you'll be on a lecture. You must leave my key at my neighbour's.
Thanks for your help. I'll repay your for it, when Im back at home.

Well, I think that's about it.

Bye forn now,.


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