
Alcoholism, drugs, AIDS

poleca 86% 103 głosów


Contemporary world is full of different dangers. There are for example alcoholism, drugs and AIDS.

AIDS causes much suffering all around the world. When you watch or listen to the news, you learn about thousand of innocent people killed every single day. Further more, this disease will be a growing problem for people all around the world, unless we start to understand the nature of it. It may not only stop the spreading of the disease, but also change the attitude of many people towards those, who are ill.

Alcoholism and drugs. Alcohol and drug use can progress into addiction so easily that sometimes people do not release how fast it becomes a disease. Most of people who decided to stop drinking do so without any outside help. They simply make up their minds to stop their drinking patterns, but of course there is a lot of people that are really "heavy drinkers".

With drugs problem the is more complicated.. Pills such as cocaine and heroine are extremely addictive. These people need help from they own surrounding. Addicted person feels as a stranger, he is frustrated and left with his problems alone. We as a society cannot imagine how painful it can be and how difficult to solve.

To sum up, alcoholism, drugs and AIDS are most important problems nowadays, because it can cause a death of human.

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