
EUTHANASIA Do you think it should be legalized?

poleca 88% 101 głosów


The problem of euthanasia is very controversial. Some people are for and some think it is wrong. In Holland it is legal from some time, and some people in Poland strongly support the idea of euthanasia. They claim that it is the only chance to relieve suffering and saver pain were people are terminally ill. In their point of view euthanasia is not an act of killing but rater an act of mercy. In my opinion euthanasia may be allowed only in cases when people suffer a terrible pain, and they decide themselves to cut the suffering. The opponents of euthanasia think that everyone has natural right to continue living, and sometimes happens that people who seemingly have no chance of recovery miraculously survive. It’s inhuman to think that the money spending on sustaining lives of terminally ill people or comatose patients can be spend on those who have more chances for improvement. Discussing the problem we should take into consideration the great value of life, imperfection of medicine and perhaps give the final decision to the ill person.

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