
Moje mieszkanie

poleca 85% 103 głosów


I live in habitable block in the first storey. The apartament is not bog but it is cosy. In the flat we have a kitchen, three rooms, a toilet and a bathroom. Opposite the front door there is a toilet and a bathroom. In the bathroom theyre is a bath a washbasin and a shower. On the right side there is my room. I funished my room alone. In my rooom there is a bed, a flowers and bookshelf. Opposite of my room there is a living room. In the living room there is a sofa and table. In the room there is a TV set and a chest of drawers. Beside the bathroom there is a kitchen connected witch the dining rooom. In the kitchen there is a fridge, a gas cooker and a dishwasher and other things for everyday uses. Across from the kitchen there is my brother's room. In the rooom he has a bed and a dresser. On the dresser he has got a cage witch a hamster. I live in this flat with my family.

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