
Past Simple - proste zadania

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Głównym celem jest powtórzenie wiadomości na temat formy przeszłej czasowników - regularnych i nieregularnych. Dla znających gramatykę angielską - proste zadanka, dla tych, którzy się uczą - ćwiczenie, ćwiczenie, ćwiczenie.... Bo trening czyni mistrza;)


Zadanie 1

1. We …..went…. to bed late last night. (go)
2. Bella …………… to school at 8 am yesterday. (go)
3. We ………….. to London last weekend. (not go)
4. I …………….. a great film last night. (watch)
5. Tim …………. A shower on Thursday. (have)
6. They ……………. “Happy Birthday”. (sing)
7. John and Sam …………. A popstar last week. (meet)
8. He ……………… him last year. (see)

Forma czasu PAST SIMPLE jest taka sama dla wszystkich osób, z wyjątkiem czasownika nieregularnego BE.
I/ He/she/it WAS
You/ we/they WERE

I WAS on Popstar.
He was not on TV

They were on Popstar.
You weren’t on TV

Zadanie 2

Ułóż zdania z rozsypanek:

1. she / 21 / Tuesday She was 21 last Tuesday.
2. he / late / on Thursday ………………………………….
3. they / not tired / last night ………………………………….
4. she / in / Paris / last weekend ………………………………….
5. I / not very happy / yesterday ………………………………….
6. we / not at school / in the holidays ………………………………….
7. you / very happy / on Saturday night. ………………………………….

Zadanie 3

Wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie czasu PAST SIMPLE

Angela O’Neill …………. (come) to Seattle two years ago. Before that she ………. (live) in Chicago where she ………… (work) as a sales representative for an electronics firm, but she ……….. (lose) her job when the company …………. (close). She ………. (be) very lucky because she quickly …………. (find) a new job with Devereux Computers. Last year when she …………. (get) a really big contact, the Chief Executive …………. (thank) her, and ……….. … (invite) her out for dinner.

Which verbs were irregular? ………………………………………………………………

Zadanie 4
Complete the table using the Past Simple

To start I started I didn’t start Did I start No, I didn’t
To come You Yes,
To have She Yes,
To be We No,
To work They No,

Zadanie 5.

I ………… ……. (get up) at 8 o’clock, then I ……………. (phoned) Kevin. I ……….. (go) to the swimming pool at 10 o’clock and then I ………… (go) to the reptile exhibition. It ……….(be) very interesting!
In the afternoon I ……. (play) basketball. I …………. (get back) at 6 o’clock. After dinner I …………. (watch) a tennis match and I …. (go) to bed at 10 o’clock.

Zadanie 6

Complete with: get; do; did; phoned; got; went; go; played; go; do

1. Where did you ……. Last night? I ……… to the sport centre
2. What did you ……. last Saturday? I ……… football.
3. Did you ………. Skating yesterday? Yes, I ………
4. What time did you ………. Back? I ……….. back at 11 o’clock.
5. What did you ……. Last night? I …………. Ali.

Zadanie 7

Popraw błędy

1. You walk to school last week.
2. 2. We goed to Florida last year.
3. They wasn’t at the party last weekend.
4. He did his homework tomorrow.
5. She didn’t went to bed late last night.
6. I didn’t talked to him yesterday.

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Czas czytania: 2 minuty