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Why the Versailles Treaty was called "the sick peace"?

Esej znajduje się w załączniku (zawiera ilustracje - karykatury i wykresy z powojennych gazet). Mogę również udostępnić sam tekst (wersja angileksa) traktatu oraz książkę(e-book) o jego następstwach polityczno-ekonomicznych.

Język angielski

“The Secret Garden” recenzja

explores the whole house. Finally, she finds Colin, her spoiled and sick cousin who is isolated in his room. Mary, Colin and their new friend- Dicon enjoy each other’s company, they restore the secret

Język angielski

The most unjust war the U.S. has ever fought ?

The war United States with Mexico was fought w XIX century. Between 1846-1848. In my opinion the war of 1846 was the most unjust war of XIX century USA fought. Mexico was a poor

Język angielski

"The Sick Rose" - poem and thoughts on.

William Blake " The Sick Rose" O Rose, thou art sick ! The invisible worm That flies in the night, In the howling storm, Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does

Język angielski

The day that everything went wrong

I set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock and went to bed. It was a terrible day. I woke up at 8 o'clock because my alarm clock was broken. I packed my books and had breakfast. As I was leaving home, I

Język angielski

How do I see the future of Poland in the European Union.

arisen the European Steel and Coal Community.The main aim of it was to rebuild the economy of Europe, which was weak after the Second World War. In 1957 - under The Roman Treaty - these countries have