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Formy rzeczowników


Rzeczownik (Noun)

Język angielski

Clauses of purpose, Defining, Non-Defining, Get used etc.

) w celu / dla + RZECZOWNIK / -ING (czasownik w formie -ING) na wypadek = in case + Present (czas teraźniejszy) in case + Past (czas przeszły) BRAK PRZECINKÓW = OKREŚLANIE (DEFINING) PRZECINKI

Język angielski

Indefinite article, zero article

INDEFINITE ARTICLE An article is a word that is put next to a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun . FORM: It is used before a word beginning with a consonant or a

Język angielski


1. The indefinite article a / an! If a noun begins with a vowel sound we use the indifinite article an. If it begins with a consonant sound we use a. It is the sound which is important, not the

Język angielski

Gramatyka opisowa

1. PARTS OF SPEECH Traditional grammar classifies words based on eight parts of speech: the verb, the noun , the pronoun, the adjective, the adverb, the preposition, the conjunction, and the

Język angielski

Językoznawstwo- gramatyka opisowa

(adjective, verb, noun …) -the first element receive primary stress -‘English Literature Teacher ->compound because of the stress(teacher of the literature); ->English ‘Literature Teacher=a phrase