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List do redakcji (letter to the editor)

Dear Editor, I have just read your article Holiday Opportunities in Poland. I would like to thank you for this extremely important text wchich in my opinion can help many people understand the fact that my home country can be an attractive place to visit. I...


Biografia Oktawiana Augusta

OKTAWIAN AUGUST-( ur. w Rzymie 23 września 63r p.n. e –zm. 19 sierpnia 14.r p.n. e ). Syn gaju sza Oktawiusza i Atii Starszej, wnuk siostry Juliusza cezara i jego adoptowany testamentem syn. Po zamordowaniu Cezara w 44.r p.n. e walczył z Markiem Antoniuszem. Po...


Adolescence is the unhappiest time in most people's lives..

Adolescence is a time between childhood and adulthood. Is this time physical and manual human development. There are many arguments that adolescence is not a bad time in our lives. This is time when happened so many unforgettable things. The first adolescence is...