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Write a review of a particular book which you have studied, emphazing the reasons why it should be studied in English course

We live in the age of the global village when for entire world a general-human tradition and an Internet are becoming the cultural background. It is also time when English language is a main way of communication between the nations, important is also a fact...


Średniowiecze- bliskie czy dalekie nam?

Średniowiecze było epoką długą i różnorodną, ale spajającym ją czynnikiem była nie tylko duchowa, ale także kulturowa i polityczna hegemonia kościoła rzymskokatolickiego. Były to więc czasy zupełnie inne od naszych, odpowiedz postawiona w temacie wydaje się więc...


Describe the characters of Boxer and Napoleon and discuss the significance to the novel as a whole.

George Orwell’s famous novel ‘Animal Farm’ is a genius allegory story. It tells about animals which drive out their owner Mr. Jones and establish their rules a farm which aim is liberty and equality of all creatures except people. However, it is also a parable...


”The death penalty is the characteristic of an uncivilized society”

Subject which is death penalty is extensive and awake many emotions now. This essay will be about death penalty in civilization definite as “western” (however it is omit events of wars and particularly wars judgment). It is because it is esteem as the most...