
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Czas Present Simple

Czasu tego używamy, gdy mówimy o czynnościach wykonywanych rutynowo (często), a także o prawach przyrody. Przysłówki częstotliwości używane w tym czasie (które warto zapamiętać): always - zawsze often - często usually - zwykle sometimes -...


The pros and cons of using Internet

Some people think that the Internet is the most necessary thing which helps gaining education but there are also those who blame it for making people addicted. In this article, I am going to write about the pros and cons of the Internet. One...


Irregular Verbs - odmiana czasowników nieregularnych - tabela

polski base form past simple past participle być znosić stawać się zaczynać ukąsić wiać łamać przynieść budować spalić rozrywać kupować móc łapać wybierać przychodzić kosztować ciąć rozdawać kopać robić śnić...


Czasowniki druga forma

Be-was-być Buy-bought-kupować Catch-caught-łapać Choose-chose-wybierać Come-came-przychodzić Cost-cost-kosztować Do-did-robić Draw-drew-rysować Drink-drank-pić Drive-drove-prowadzić Eat-ate-jeść Fall-fell-spadać Feel-felt-czuć...


Wszystkie czasy + przykłady

Czas Operator Forma czasownika Końcówki Przysłówki czasu Przykłady zdań Present Continuous be (am,is, are) I forma czasownika -ing now; at the moment; at present; just She is getting up late this week....


Napisz pocztówke do kolegi z Anglii: 1. Napisz o pogodzie. 2. Co zazwyczaj robisz. 3. Co robiłaś wczoraj. 4. Co będziesz robić jutro.

Hello Kasia, I'm in Rome now. The weather is beautiful. It is sunny and hot. I usually swimm and sunbeaching at the beach. Yesterday I was sightseeing the city. I saw many besutiful bildings. Tommorow I will be back to Poland. See you soon. Best...


List z wakacji/kartka z wakacji

Dear Zosia I'm spending my holiday in Bora-Bora islands. They are situated on the equator near the west of Africa. I'm having a fantastic time. Fortune smiled on me because I'm staying at the only hotel island, on last free site. At the moment...


Types of prose.

Short story is a prose narrative of limited length. In one sense the short story is as old as any literary form and must have existed for thousands of years before the art of writing was known. Possibly the oldest recorded example is the Egyptian...


Angielski zwroty

What is included in the price- Co jest wliczone w cenę What time will you arrive – o której masz zamiar przybyć How will I recognize you – Jak Cię rozpoznam When do you organize holidays language courses? – Kiedy organizujesz kursy języka w...


Advantages and disadvantages of healthy lifestyle

The healthy style of life never was the strong side of mankind. However this from at a run of years changes, similarly how mentality changes and human habits. In this moment I surely would find both fanatic adorers of healthy mode of life how and...


Meble, pokoje - słówka

Furnitore - meble Sink – zlew Cooker – kuchenka Wardrobe – szafa Bath – wanna Root – dach Chimney – komin Camp – lampa Rug – chodnik Pillow – poduszka Sofa – sofa Chair – krzesło Fireplace – kominek Table – stół Armchair – fotel...


Present Simple oraz Present Continuous

PRESENT SIMPLE ORAZ PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE a) wzór zdania twierdzącego, zastosowanie, charakterystyczne przysłówki częstotliwości oraz określenia przysłówkowe Wzór zdania twierdzącego: PODMIOT + (przysł.częstotl.) +...


AIDS - po angielsku

AIDS At the beginning of my essay I would like to write a few words about the disease called AIDS. Namely, it is the slightness of immunity system caused by the RNA- virus. When you have got that kind of illness you can die very urgent (for...


Letter to a penfriend.

Hi Natalie! Thanks for your letter, it was so nice to receive the last news from you. I\'m sorry I haven\'t written back for so long. You know, new school, lot’s of exams… New school is cool but I have to prepare myself systematically for...


Bajka po angielsku

CINDERELLA Once upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the...


Napisz list do kolegi\koleżanki z irlandi w którym przedstawisz nowego chłopaka swojej koleżanki. powiedz jak się poznali, podaj przynajmniej 1 ceche charakteru i poprzyj przykładem, podaj 2 cechy wyglądu oraz napisz swoją opinię na temat przysz

Dear Victoria, I am writing to you, because you asked me how Patricia is feel. You know how she felt when Tom left her. At present she is happy and she has a new boyfriend, his name is Martin, he is a really good man. She told me as they fall in...


How much\ How many\a lot of (policzalne i niepoliczalne)

a lot of - dla policzalnych i niepoliczalnych w zdaniach twierdzących np. You need a lot of eggs. many - dla policzalnych w przeczeniach i pytaniach np. Do you bed many apples? You don't need many eggs. much - dla niepoliczalnych w...


Money can or not make our life better?

Each man sometimes thinks about money- in good or bad ways also. The vast majority of people perceive money as very important and want to be rich. And as far as having a lot of money is concerned- people have many various opinions, as well....



Unemployment Unemployment is a very serious problem in Poland.An unemployment rate grows rapidly.Being unemployed these days is not a shame.In the face of rapid technological progress and economic changes , people are often made redundant....



As the clock was striking midnight, there was a loud whisper at the door: ''Let me in!''. Carol was frightened; she remembered the announcer's report: he was talking about a very dangerous criminal who had already killed five people. She...


Advantages adn disadvantages of watching TV!

Nowadays watchung TV takes up much of oru time.Many people spend their free time in fornt of a TV set.However, watching TV has many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of watching Tv is the source of information.We can watch...


My imagination house

My imagination house will be in the country. Because I love country side, and quiet places I like animals, forest and pounds. I love swim. I want to live in big wood house. My hose will be big and lighting illumination in there will be many...


Dialog w restauracji

- Good evening. Table for one? - Yes, please. - This way, please. - Thank you. - Would you like to look at the menu? - May I take your order, please? - Yes, to start, I’d like the tomato soup. - Of course. And for the main course? - I’d...


Czasownik modalny - Can

Forma Can przyjmuje tylko jedną formę dla wszystkich osób w odniesieniu czasu teraźniejszego i przyszłego, oraz could do czasu przeszłego. Przeczenie tworzymy przez dodanie partykuły not (cannot (pisane łącznie) - can't, could not -...


Tekst na temat "Jak powinien zachowywać się uczeń na lekcji języka( i wogóle)."

I think that the first-class pupil on English lessons should stop the secondary school oneself from unnecessary commentaries. I also think that every pupil should take an active part in the lesson and carry orders of the teacher out, since for the...


My room - opis mojego pokoju

My room is rather big. The walls are orange, but the window and the door are brown. There is a big window in front of door. There are blue curtains in the window. Under the window there is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There is a...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii, w którym opiszesz miejsce w Twoim kraju szczególnie warte polecenia turystom z zagranicy. (Matura, Longman 55/8)

Dear Anna, I hope everything is fine with you. I`m sorry I haven`t written to you for such a long time. You know, I spend my last weekend in Cracow. I visited the Wawel castle, and I was so impressed that I decided to write to you. The...


Przebywasz u angielskiej rodziny na wymianie, która ma potrwać 2 miesiące.Napisz do swojego znajomego anglika krótki e-mail, w którym: -informujesz, że właśnie przybyłeś do Angli, -opisujesz w jakim celu przybyłeś, -podajesz na jak długo i gd

Hello!! I’m right now in England because I’m from school exchange and I will be here for two months!! I’m in London right now!! I have got a goot hope to came to see You in this weekend!! Have a nice day and see You in the weekend!! Bye...


Opis miasta

Drawsko is a delightfully village surrounded by fields and woods, near by a lake “Okra”. It is also near to big cities like Szczecin and Koszalin, where is factories, industry and heavy traffic. The countryside around the village is incredibly...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Irlandii żeby opowiedzieć o nowym chłopaku kogoś z grona waszych wspólnych przyjaciół.

1. Podziel się nowiną i powiedz, gdzie para się poznała. 2. Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechu wyglądu opisywanej osoby. 3. Podaj przynajmniej jedną cechę jej/jego charakteru popartą przykładem. 4. Wyraź swoją opinię na temat nowego związku i...


Czy powinniśmy robić testy na zwierzętach | Testing on animals

The question is difficult, but I will try to answer. Maybe ecologists will be angry on me, but I think, that is good that scientists are testing new substances on animals. I know that rat or any other animal has feelings. But in my opinion it...


Can money buy you happines? For and against essay

Can money buy you happiness? I think that yes, it can. Of course it can't buy you everything, but it's pretty essential for one's existence. In my opinion you can't lead a bearable life without cash. All people have their own dreams and...


Okresy warunkowe 0, I , II

O OKRES WARUNKOWY If You boil water to 100 C , it heats. Conditions – present simple , result – present simple I OKRES WARUNKOWY -mówimy o trwałych lub powtarzających się stanach rzeczy, a nie o jednostkowym zdarzeniu. Mowa o...


Travelling by car- advantages and disadvantages.

There are many different means of transport. Sometimes we can't imagine how people could live without cars, buses, trains and planes many years ago. Some people prefer travelling by car, others think that it's dangerous and polluts the...


Past Simple

Czas ten wyraża czynności, które zostały wykonane w przeszłości, a moment ich wykonania jest dokładnie określony. Past Simple stosuje się także, gdy mówimy ogólnie o przeszłości lub czynnościach wykonywanych w przeszłości regularnie. W...


Letter of application (short version)

LETTER OF APPLICATION 16 Zapolska Street 11 – 111 Wielogóra Poland 8th September Jean Robson Sports Camp International PO Box 231 Dear Ms Robson, I am writting in respone to your advertisement which appeared in the last edition of...


Moje hobby - muzyka

My hobby is music.I listen to music all the time whenI am at home,except when I am in the living room and the television is on.Most of all I like pop music and such pop singers as Prince,Tina Turner and groups such as Dire Straits.I often watch...


Dni tygodnia, miesiące, alfabet po Angielsku

Alfabet A [ej] H [ejcz] O [ou] V [wi] B [bi] I [ajl P [pj] W [dablju] C [si] J [dżej] Q [kju] X [eks] D [di] K [kej] R [ar] Y [łaj] E [i] L [el]...


My ideal place in the World - moje wymarzone (idealne) miejsce na ziemi

Every person in the world has had some moments in his life in which he wonted to reside in different place from that he is staing now so called he ideal place. When we say that we imagine the place in which there are hot sand beaches, palms...


Present Continuous

Jest to drugi czas dotyczący teraźniejszości. Stosujemy go do wyrażenia czynności odbywającej się w chwili mówienia (obecnie) lub gdy chcemy opisać czynność , która zostanie wykonana w najbliższej przyszłości. Ważne jest, aby dokładnie określić...


Describe a person you dislike, and explain why you feel his way about him or her

There is no such person who likes everybody. I’m not different. There are couple persons who I dislike. One of theme is a man but I can’t say that I hate him. I’m not going to tell that person name. He’s very arrogant man. He was always speaking...


List po angielsku, przykładowy do przyjaciółki

Dear Gosia, Thanks for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you and to read what you've already planned for our meeting. But you know, I have a few more questions about it. You've written that it's not too expensive to find me a place...


Angielskie CV, English CV

CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DETAILS: Name: Address: 73-110 Warszawa telephone: +48 email: Date and place of birth: 06 February 1986, Stargard Szczeciński Marital status: single EDUCATION: 2002-2005 Eomic and Administration...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Sue, This place is absolutely amazing! I'm in Marseille, you know, on the south coast of France. Wherever you look, there's nothing but water and sand. The town we're staying in is small but charming. We sleep in all morning and spend the...


Opis: osoby, miejsca, wydarzenia - wzory

I. OPIS OSOBY (czas teraźniejszy) 1. miejsce i czas spotkania tej osoby; uzasadnienie dlaczego wybieramy tę osobę do opisu. 2. wygląd zewnętrzny 3. opis charakteru osoby, podanie cech z uzasadnieniem 4. opis zajęć które osoba wykonuje:...


Słówka zwiazane ze szkołą

szkoła - school klasa - Class ocena - Estimation przedmiot - Object język polski - Polish tongue (language) język francuski - French tongue (language) język niemiecki - German tongue (lnguage) wychowanie fizyczne - Physical education...


Napisz recenzje dowolnego filmu/serialu po angielsku

Kac Vegas is a brillant comedy like for me. It was directed by Todd Phillips. This story is easy to understand - 3 guys wake up after a stag night and they see a big mess and a hungry tiger in a big apartament in Vegas. Suddenly, they...


Importance of tourism

Importance of tourism Tourism, nowadays is one of the most popular way of spending free time. It is higly developed in almost all countries, mainly because of material profits it brings. But...


Mój ulubiony sport.

I am rather fit and play sport almost every day my favourite sport is swimming I started going to the swimming pool with my mother when I was 4 years old. The water in the swimming pool seemed very cold to me then and I did not want to get into...