
Ułóż dwa dialogi z użyciem wyrazu: island oraz country

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 22.11.2018 (20:02) - przydatność: 82% - głosów: 10
22.11.2018 (20:11)
Im stay on island.
My country is don't like Islam. ::DD
LoveVIETNAM 22.11.2018 (21:11)

Nie może być "My country is don't like Islam",tylko "My country isn't like Islam.I jeszcze coś-Miał to być dialog a nie zdania.

Przydatne rozwiązanie? Tak Nie
23.11.2018 (14:13)
A: What do you think about travelling to canary islands ?
B: I've heard that they are the most beautiful islands on the planet.
A: Yes I've heard that too and i'm thinking about visiting them next year.
B: If you'll have an opportunity you should definitelly see them.
A: Okay, thank you for your opinion.

A: How you think, which country is the richest in the world ?
B: My dad told me Chinesee are the richest but I dont think they're.
A:I can't agree with your father becouse my teacher from geography told me that USA is the richest.
B: Yes, your're probably right.
Przydatne rozwiązanie? Tak Nie