
Napisz mail do kolegi/kolezanki napisz conajmniej 7 zdan na temat planow na weekand uzyj going to

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 22.10.2018 (15:18) - przydatność: 100% - głosów: 1
22.10.2018 (17:00)
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your letter. Here's a photo of my family at home in Camebridge. We all smiled ! My mum is a teacher. She's teaching Art at our school. Dad is an engineer. Tara, my sister, is very bossy. She' s standing next to my Mum. She' s not singing in the photo but she is usually singing all day! She goes to choir practice everyday. The girl in the green T-shirt is her friend, Fran. She' s living next door but she's being alaways at our house! I don't know much about basketball because we are never playing it at my school. Do you know anything about rugby? That's my favourite sport. We're really looking forward to meeting you!
Best wishes,
Dylan Jones 

I tak to zrób... Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam !

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