
Twój kolega/Twoja koleżanka z Irlandii przygotowuje się właśnie do egzaminu konczącego naukę w szkole. Napisz do

niego/niej e-mail.po ANGIELSKU :
*Opowiedz o egzaminie, który ostatnio zdawałeś/zdawałaś.
*Udziel jemu/jej rady związanej z egzaminem.
*Zaproponuj spotkanie w wakacje.
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Rozwiń w wypowiedzi każdy trzech podpunktów. Długość tekstu 50-100 słów. Proszę o pomoc.
5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 10.1.2016 (21:26) - przydatność: 100% - głosów: 1
11.1.2016 (21:13)
Hi Ian,
I know you're getting ready to take your final exam. Here's what I'd like to share with you. My last exam I had a week ago. It was also my final school leaving exam so I was very stressed. Luckily, I had been learning systematically for a few months before the exam so the night before the exam I spent revising my stuff and went to bed early and I slept like a log. On the day of the exam I woke up fresh and full of beans! I had no problems with the tasks and I passed it with flying colors!I suggest you do the same. Don't stop revising material, do it as systematically as you can, and I am telling you, you will be absolutely successful. Make sure you are fresh, relaxed and prepared on the day of the exam!Finally, when you are done and over with your exams, please come to Poland to visit me! We'll spend some time traveling round Poland and I'll show you the most interesting place in my country. We will be able to talk about our exam experiences too!
Take care
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