
Bardzo proszę o 7-8 zdań o zamku krzyżackim w Malborku jako zabytku UNESCO. Ma to być w języku angielskim. Dałam

za to aż 40 pkt może ktoś napisze :) Czas do dziś wieczór(13.01.2016)
20 pkt za rozwiązanie + 10 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 13.1.2016 (17:20)
13.1.2016 (17:44)

It was built on a square plan. The four wings of the castle was surrounded by an interior courtyard. High, 50-meter high tower had to enter the height of the second floor. In the corners of the castle turrets placed protruding beyond the line of the castle walls. Cellars of the castle served as business premises. The ground level were placed room prestige function: the chapel, refectory, chapter house, infirmary, Chamber commander and others. Entrances to them resulting from the gallery surrounding the courtyard. The second floor housed in itself: from the courtyard warehouse and granary, exterior porch defense is placed inside the castle walls. Located next to the main tower was a gate to which podjeżdżało by a drawbridge. The entire complex defense also consisted of fortified ward. It was located between the city and the castle. It had the shape of the letter "L", it housed stables, forges, mill and a brewery, barns and homes crew castle. Ward had two gates: the south - leading to the city and from the north - the route leading to Torun [2]. The entire system was protected by moats, which allowed for a quick damming and flooding of the area, along with part of the city.
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