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Passion a strong word which holds great meaning but what is really the meaning of passion? Most people will look in the dictionary for this term but I can guarantee that we all know the meaning. Haven?t you ever wanted something so much or put such enthusiasm and dedication to one thing? Well that is what passion is a need to do or accomplish something. Through my life my passion has been politics. National and international law have fascinated me since I was a child. Strong leaders who have fought for their beliefs and rights of there people, Countries that have stood at the face of there former monarchy masters and gone to war to come out victorious in their conquest for liberty.
Since I was a child my father has nourished my mind with political Ideologies and has brought light to many questions which I?ve had on society and the people that run it. My father studied law and has been a democrat ever since. I have followed in his foot steps but have made my own decisions on what political party I will follow. We dispute our cases all the time, but in the end, those tempered spirits are left behind. I have a strong family background of political leaders and hope to follow in there foot steps.
We hold the power to make a change, a change to better our self?s as well as our country. I came from Peru at a very young age but have not forgotten about the corruption there is in my old country. Politicians have robbed the people of all their rights and have left the country in ruins. Poverty is at a high rate due to loss of funds. Why you may ask because presidents, councilmen, and other political figures have fattened there wallets instead of caring for the millions who are struggling. The main cause of this problem is the ignorance of the people. Too many students are dropping out and are not furthering their education due to lack of resources and are not well informed about what is going on.
Revolution is the only form of conquest that will end this tyranny in all dictated governments. A revolution for the people by the people, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna also known as Che Guevara, once spoke these words,?Asta la Victoria siempre?. When translated it means fight to the death for our victory. A great socialist of his time and of ours, he lives in history as the most remembered and loved revolutionary of the 20th century. I have read and followed his path in history and have learned many great lessons from him. His ideology is very intriguing and has nourished my mind.
I have witnessed the robbery and abuse of my people and am now compelled to do something about it. We must all cat on this impulse and speak our minds. Our voices can not be silenced. My passion is politics and the idea that you can make a change. I will soon make that change, big or small, but as Che said, ?We must fight for our struggle of justice and laugh at deaths door.?

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