
Speaking test part 1

poleca 85% 1869 głosów


To sa tematy o ktore moze cie zapytac egzaminator na FCE. Na kazdy z nich musisz nawijac ok 1 minuty. Na szczescie pytaja tylko o jeden z nich no ale trzeba umiec gadac na kazdy wiec zamieszczam takze moje odpowiedzi na kazdy z tych tematow. Prace tytulowalam w zaleznosci od tematu ale format zawsze byl taki : FCE-speaking test-home town*- Where are you from?* te z * to ofkoz przyklad ale qmacie o co chodzi (mam nadzieje :-P)

Home town

1. Where are you from ?
2. Can you tell me something about your town?
3. What is there to do in the evenings in your town?
4. Which part of your town do you like most? Why?
5. What kind of jobs do people do in your town?


1. Do you have a large or small family?
2. Can you tell me something about them?


1. Can you tell me something about yourself ?
2. Do you work or are you a student ?
3. What do you enjoy most about your studies ?
4. What qualifications will you need for the job you hope to do ?


1. Do you have any hobby ?
2. How did you become interested in your hobby ?
3. Which do you prefer more, watching television or going cinema? What sort of programs/films do you like to watch?
4. What kind of sports are you and your friends interested in?
5. What kind of music do you enjoy most?
6. How do you usually spend your holidays?
7. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit? Why?

Future Plans

1. What do you hope to do in the next few years?
2. How important is English to your future plans?
3. What do you hope to be doing in five years time?

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Czas czytania: 1 minuta