

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Honestly is described in a dictionary as a state of being honest.
An honest man is called a man who will not lie, cheat or steal. What he gains in his life should be obrain by fair methods with the help of trustful effords.
Dishonest is bussiness may profit a person for a short time. Only a trustful partner guarantees a lona term relationship in life and bussiness for mutual benefit.
I am convinced that honestly pays.
An honest person is excepted by the whole society. He is given responsible positions in vorious institutions and companies.
To be named an honest student, a young person shouldn''t copy or cheat, for example, during the exams.
People need honestly. Imagine living in a society in which everybody is cheating and lying and acting only in his or her interest. That would be unbearable!

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