
Travel broadens the mind.

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Everybody wants to broadens their mainds in different ways. People just want to become smarter and smarter while doing something like reading or watching TV. There are many interesting ways of expanding your knowladge but in my opinion travelling is the best one. In this short essay I want to show why it is better than other methods.

To begin with there are lots of interesting places in the whole world that everyone wants to see. Everybody wants to know more about the biggest cities, their customs or about ancient cities traditions. As I already mentioned travelling is the best method of doing these. Of course you can do it in the other ways that are cheaper and easier to realize but travelling is really better than others. Firstly – while watching TV you can not touch anything, you can just look at the screen of your TV that seems artificial. Secondly - You have to watch exacly what the movie directors wanted to show in the current moment. Thirthly – when you ware in the country that u wanted to visit you can buy suvenirs or gifts that u can not get anyware else. Buying gifts for family or friends is really important for many people. The pleasure of giving someone a gift after your arrivial is really worth a penny or two.

However there are also lots of disadvantages of expanding your mind by travelling. Firstly – it is really expensive. You have to be really rich or greedy to afford exclusive trips to other countries. Travelling is more effective than watching Discovery or other channel but if you are poor you can only watch TV that is just not effective. Secondly – travelling can be really dangerous. Danger of infection in exoctic countries is really high. You can easy get infection with bite of the mosquito or contact with „Tse-Tse” fly. Nowadays you can also really easy become a victim of terrorist attacks.

To sum up travelling has more disadvantages than advantages but I am still strongly confident that it is better than anything else. More effective way is the best way!

PS. Nie wiem czy to jest dobrze napisane, oceńcie to poprostu, ja tylko odrobiłem prace z angielskiego i starałem się to zrobić jak najlepiej potrafiłem. Za wszystkie uchybienia/błedy wielkie SRY! :)

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