
Environment- co możesz zrobic dla srodowiska, aby poprawić jego sytuacje w twoim miescie?

poleca 85% 659 głosów


The environment pollution is one of the biggest problems of big cities. Air polluton, acid rains, chemical waste are only some of them. I strongly believe that there's something we can do to make our cities more enviromentaly friendly.
First of all, we have to reduce our 'production' of rubbish, which are everywhere- on our raods, supermarkets, homes, schools, offices...In my view, we should sort them. For example glass, paper and plasitc waste can be recycled.
Moreover ther's something we should do with air pollution. Air's being polluted by gases emitted into the atmosphere all the time. The way I see it is cutting down on driving by machine vehicles.
In addition to this, we can plant more trees and create more parks.
To sum up, everyone's able to help our environment. We can separate our rubbish, reduce driving by cars, cut down on smoking & buy deodorants ozone friendly. I think we must care about environment if we want the next generations to live in the world, at least, that is today.

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