
Niektórzy uczniowie po skończeniu szkoły średniej decydują się na rok przerwy przed podjęciem studiów. W tym czasie pracują lub podróżują. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony takiej decyzji.

poleca 86% 147 głosów


Test 03 PR Zadanie 3.

Recently some of the students decide to go for a gap year. A year-long holidays after finishing high school instead of going straight to the university. This time is often spend working or traveling. This decision has both advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with, taking a gap year is a great opportunity to broaden the horizons.
Spending time in another country gaining new experiences can make a better person in no time. It also gives new qualifications for a potential future job.
Moreover, break from constant study gives the undecided time to consider decisions concerning future life. “Why not to give yourself just a year more?” says Ann Smith working as a career adviser knowing well how hard it is to choose.
In contrast, such an idea, despite being very promising, leaves you a year behind your peers. Coming back home after so long a journey you can feel bad knowing that your friends have already finished what you are about to start.
Additionally, taking a gap year may cost you a lot of money. Even when you are planning to work during this time, you need founds to set off for your trip. Tickets and accommodation costs may be a real nuisance.
All things considered, in my opinion pros outweigh the cons. In spite of some problems connected with this decision, I strongly believe that going for a year off to find new experiences or just earn your own money may be an occasion to start your independent life.

WORDS: 250

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